CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate, and it is a standardized system for reporting the effectiveness of a particular air purifier in removing contaminants from the air within a specific period of time. It creates an objective score that allows you to compare one air purifier to another.
There are 3 types of pollutants that CADR measures, which are representative of different size particles, and they are POLLEN, which represents larger particles; DUST, which represents medium-sized particles; and SMOKE, which represents some of the smallest particles
The limits for each type of rating are Dust 10 to 400 CADR, Tobacco smoke 10 to 450 CADR, and Pollen 25 to 450 CADR. There are only two laboratories in the United States authorized to perform CADR testing to these standards: Intertek and SGS/IBR laboratories.
AirDoctor is independently tested by Intertek laboratories for CADR.
The CADR for AirDoctor purifiers (AD2000) is: 162
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